Monday, May 30, 2011

Posting, Posting, Posting...

Took a little break after that last window display and did a little shopping too. I picked up a new laptop to go with my new Wacom tablet so that I can properly get back into the swing of all things animated/drawing.

Especially now after being depleted of money from these purchases, it looks like I'll need to get myself a job by using these items to boost up my portfolio a little more. Next up, Wonder Woman for a friend of mine that requested it. I'm going to try out watercolors again to see if I can get a good representation done. 

Anyway, that's all for now. Just checking in. Oh, I did see Pirates of the Carribean 4, which was boring. But I did also see 13 Assassins, which was good. I'd write a few reviews, but I'm not too sure anyone here is interested. Besides, if Green Lantern is as bad as it looks, I may have to save all my writing prose up just for that alone. Anyway, I'll leave you with this little summer ditty...


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Green Lantern Window Display Completed

So last week I posted a few pics of Star Sapphire (a Green Lantern villain) that I did for the Comic Outpost window display. Here's a reminder:

Today, I finally finished the Hal Jordan version of Green Lantern for the other side of the window display. Here he is:

Taken without a flash

Taken with a flash

Want to see the whole thing together and with lights? Sure you do:

A little bit of glare on the windows...

Later on into the evening when the lights could be seen a little bit better.

So there you have it. Green Lantern and Thor vs. Star Sapphire and The Destroyer. Yup, these are movie related theme windows that I'm doing for the Comic Outpost. 

As per usual, these are all done on 3/4" foamboard, hand cut, Gessoed, painted with Acrylic paint and finished with Sharpie markers. Each one is unique, and did I happen to mention that they're for sale too? Anyway, enough whoring myself and my artwork out. 


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Green With Envy trailer'll probably say to yourself, 'WTF is this crap?!?' when you start to watch this trailer, but stick with it to see the awesomeness contained within. Trust me. Watch the whole thing.

See. I told you so.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Window Display (Well, Half of it at Least)

It's been a little while since I posted something, and even longer since I've posted some artwork. So here we are. I've just completed half of the window display for the Comic Outpost for the upcoming Green Lantern movie. So without further ado, here's Star Sapphire, one of the Green Lantern's villains. 

Taken without a flash

Taken with a flash

Now, this isn't the final piece. I've added lights behind her (and in the ring) for a purple glow. Once I get the Green Lantern piece done and up in the window, I'll take pics of the final look of the pieces as they are lit up. For now, you'll have to settle for this.

Oh, and as usual, 3/4" foamboard with Acrylic paint and marker. 


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Horrible Bosses trailer

We've all had them at one point in our working lives; a horrible boss. Well, this movie does take it to the extreme, but looks very, very funny in the process. It stars Jason Bateman, Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Aniston, Charlie Day, Jason Sudekis, Collin Farrell, and Jamie Foxx. Trust me, if you don't laugh at the last scene in the trailer, you probably don't know what funny actually is.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Entire Library of Marvel Animated Shows to Hit Netflix Instant

All hail the Great and powerful Galactus! What in the hell am I talking about? Well, it was announced on Tuesday that the entire library of Marvel Animated shows would be released for viewing on Netflix Instant view. Starting April 29th, the following will be available for viewing on Netflix:

The Incredible Hulk (1996-97)
Spider-Man Unlimited (1999-2001)
Iron Man: Extremis – Marvel Knights Animation (2010)
Astonishing X-Men: Gifted – Marvel Knights Animation (2010)
Spider-Woman: Agent of the S.W.O.R.D. – Marvel Knights Animation (2010)
Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Heroes (2006)
Silver Surfer (1998)
Black Panther – Marvel Knights Animation (2010)
Iron Man: Armored Adventures Season 1 (2009)

And it only gets better as the rest of the library gets released through the summer and Fall.

I guess my summer is now shot.


It Must Be Wednesday, So Here's Another Green Lantern Trailer

*Sigh* You all know I love my superhero movies, except when they're done badly (Incredible Hulk, Ghost Rider, Superman Returns, Daredevil, Elektra). Well, I'm thinking the Green Lantern movie is going to wind up in the 'hate it' category the more I keep seeing of it. In this latest version (supposedly after some of the CGI cleanup), we get to see a Guardian, the yellow fear symbol (which didn't come about until a few years ago), and some more smoky tendrils that look like the Galactus crapfest from Fantastic Four 2. Anyway, here it is, see for yourself.

Here's a look at, I mean one of the Guardians.

The more I see, the lazier the effort I see put into this movie. It's almost as if Warner Bros. wants it to fail so they can have another tax write off (especially after the bomb that Sucker Punch was for them). 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Legion of Doom in Smallville Finale?!?

Judge for yourself (at the end of this clip):

So yeah, that looks like they're going out on a high note. By the way, the clip above is set for this Friday's episode of Smallville, but they could very well introduce the LOD by the end of the episode. Want a closer look?

Clockwise from the top right; Black Manta, Captain Cold, Roulette, Metallo, Dark Archer, Solomon Grundy, with Toyman on the screen in the table's console. 

If you stopped watching Smallville, these next two weeks are the time you should start watching again. Why? It's the series last two episodes. 


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Thor: Movie Review (Spoiler Free)

I was able to attend a sneak preview of the movie "Thor" yesterday morning. For those of you out there that want the short version of how it was, it was awesome. Action, humor, great plot, and it flows so smoothly that the movie goes by quickly leaving you wanting more. Oh, and skip the 3D, see it in glorious 2D as it was intended to be seen. I saw it in 3D and was not impressed by the transfer.

Director Kenneth Branagh brings to life one of Marvel's comic book characters that easily could have come out as cheesy, hammy, or just plain silly. He balances this out easily by making the Asgardians aliens. No, I'm not giving anything away in saying this as Thor himself says in the trailer that where he comes from science and magic are the same. This makes it much easier to really downplay the whole 'gods' concept and get on with the story. It was a very elegant solution for a problem that could have bogged the movie down. It's still faithful to the comic book origins, it's just this one tiny alteration that makes things a whole lot simpler for the movie makers and the movie-goer.

At the heart of the matter, we see that the Asgardians are at an uneasy truce with the Frost Giants. Thor oversteps his duties and pretty much makes a mess of that truce. As punishment, Odin strips Thor of his power and sends him to Earth, AND Odin also sends the hammer Mjolnir to Earth after inscribing some caveats to its use on the side of the great hammer. 

Loki (Thor's brother) plays a great part in most of this movie, but more like a background manipulator at first and later as a major player when his plan comes together. Needless to say, Thor is needed to save the Frost Giant's world, and Asgard from treachery. But he has to do so after learning a few lessons along the way.

Chris Hemsworth does a great job as Thor. He goes through a range of styles; swaggering braggart, gentleman, warrior, petulant child, and humble servant. He does it with an ease that doesn't seem forced or phony, and you come away with the feeling of truly liking the character he plays for who he is and not what he does. 

Tom Hiddleston as Loki was excellent! He played it with the right amount of serpent whispering a little venom into the ear of the person he wanted to dupe. You also get a very palpable sense of anger coming from his character in later scenes that really works well for the story. Yet at the same time, he plays the character so well, that you can never truly hate him outright. That's the sign of someone playing a villain role correctly.

The Warriors Three (Volstagg, Hogun, Fandral) and the Lady Sif are used very well in this movie. They are great warriors, and they also are a little bit of comic relief as well (just as they are in the comics). Ray Stevenson's portrayal of Volstagg is especially well done, as is Jaimie Alexander's role as Lady Sif. 

As for the Idris Elba as Heimdall "controversy", get over yourself. As I stated before, the Asgardians are portrayed as aliens in this movie, not some white power whack-off material. Elba does a great job as Heimdall, where we get to see a great warrior and even a tiny touch of humor as well. 

Sir Anthony Hopkins as Odin hits all the right notes. We see him as a warrior, as a father, and as a king with the weight of the crown on his head. Again, a better choice couldn't be made. 

Finally we get to the humans...Natalie Portman's character of astrophysicist Jane Foster is good and even allows for the brief mention of a certain doctor by the name of Donald Blake. Kat Dennings isn't as annoying as the trailers would have you believe. In fact, the trailers seem to have all her scenes (minus one) in it as she is a very minor character in the movie. And Stellan Skarsgard ties it all together so we don't have to suffer through the characters reciting Norse mythology to each other as a way to explain it to the audience (as what often happens in origin movies). Oh yeah, Hawkeye (or Clint Barton as his real name is known) makes a brief appearance in the movie too, but that's all he does for now.

I have only two problems with this movie; the use of shaky cam during some of the action scenes (although not nearly as bad as it has been in some movies), and 3D. While the shaky cam wasn't anywhere near the level of Cloverfield, it still rendered parts of the action scenes blurred out and unwatchable. Especially in 3D. As for the use of 3D, it really wasn't needed for this movie. In fact, it made some scenes look cheesy and bad like a children's popup book. So again, skip the 3D if you can and see it in 2D. 

Rating: Full price ticket (2D only) multiple times in the theater. Yes, it is that worth it since it's so much fun. Also, be sure to stay until after the credits to see a scene tie-in to the Avengers movie.
