Sunday, December 11, 2011

Retro Girls

I decided to try something a little different today, I decided to try and go a little retro in my drawing. This came about mainly due to two reasons; 1. most comic artists (that are male) tend to draw women on the slightly more masculine side (I've been guilty of this too), especially if that woman happens to be a super heroine, and 2. I've been reading a lot of Ghost Rider from the 70's lately, and I've been digging the way the artists were drawing women back then. So I decided to give it a shot. Here's the result:

As you can see, I started from the top and worked my way to the bottom. The top one, not so great, but not horrendous either. She looks a little too cadaverous or even strung out. 

The second one gets better, but there's still something wrong with the way she looks. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's either her nose or her mouth (or both) that don't work for me. 

Finally, the third entry is what I was looking for. Leave it me to get the results I was looking for while using my least favorite (or comfortable) format of forced perspective. The crazy glasses that I thought were going to be a huge pain in my ass, actually helped guide me as to the placement of the rest face. Plus, the third face had the least erasing on my part (as you can see from the white eraser marks (I was using an off-white color paper)). 

So there you have it, a little bit of warm up work AND a try at a little bit of a different look. Let me know what you think.


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