Saturday, November 27, 2010

Lil Robocop

So I found this to be a fairly cool thing for a parent to make for their kid for Halloween. Not only is he in a Robocop costume, but they run around Detroit taking pictures in various places. Pretty funny stuff, and cool too. But the story doesn't just end there.

It seems that a certain Mr, Robocop himself (Peter Weller) saw the Lil version of himself and was cool enough to send him an autographed photo in the mail. In case no one knows what Peter Weller has been up to lately, he currently has been filming a few episodes of "Dexter" in between his day job as a professor at UCLA where he's also finishing his dissertation for his PhD. in Roman and Italian Renaissance Art. Very cool of him to take the time out of his schedule to do something like that just because.

Here's a pic of Lil Robo from the link I posted above.

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